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Year of Prayer
Preparing for the Jubilee Year 2025

In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year 'Pilgrims of Hope', 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis, with a particular focus on the Our Father.

'Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when He finished, one of his disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray..." '

Luke 11:1

Someone once said that 'prayer doesn’t help our relationship with God, prayer IS our relationship with God!' and so when we become more devoted to prayer, we are building up that Divine friendship. Being Pilgrims of Hope means that we should always be growing in our love of prayer on our journey of Faith.

“I would greatly desire that we devote 2024, the year preceding the Jubilee event, to a great ‘symphony’ of prayer.’” Pope Francis

Prayer is a gift from God, a sacred connection that fosters a living relationship with the divine Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This year we have planned many opportunities for our school community to cultivate this relationship with God:

Prayer Cards

Each child across school has been presented with a Year of Prayer prayer card.  

Prayer Bags

During this Year of Prayer, we have enhanced the prayer bags with various resources to encourage families to develop their relationship with God through prayer. The children will have the opportunity to take home the class prayer bag to encourage families to pray together.

Stay & Pray

This Year of Prayer, we are inviting parents and carers to attend a ‘Stay and Pray’ Session in school with their child. They will be able to set aside the distractions of their busy lives and embark on a faith journey together, as they reflect and grow in their love of prayer.

Monthly Prayer Services

Class prayer services are held monthly where children plan and lead the service. Encouraging children to embrace their faith journey, our prayer services allow them to express gratitude, seek guidance and grow closer to God through prayer in word, gesture, silence and stillness.

Pope Francis’ Monthly Intentions

Click here to see Pope Francis’ 2024 Monthly Intentions paraphrased for children.

Prayer Clubs

At our school, our faith journey extends beyond the classroom. Our extra-curricular prayer clubs provide a haven for our pupils to explore and embrace their faith, whilst also promoting a sense of unity. Pupils are encouraged to engage in meaningful discussions and cultivate their love of prayer, while growing closer to God.

Click here to go to the prayer club page.

Home-School Links

During this Year of Prayer, we are asking parents and carers to join with us to support their children in becoming more devoted to prayer and grow in their love of prayer.

  • During February half term, we asked our families to create one of Pope Francis’ Five Finger Prayers. 

  • We shared family prayer ideas for the Feast of Corpus Christi.

Feast CC.jpg

We will continue to add more home-school links throughout the year!

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