St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School
Learn to love, love to learn
At St. Bernadette's Catholic School you will find us caring, hardworking and co-operative. We follow the ways of Jesus using our talents and gifts to make our school special. We show respect to all and welcome you.
Head Teacher: Angela Cowings
Hob Moor Road, Yardley, Birmingham, B25 8QL
0121 783 7232

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make in their early years. As a parent you want your child to feel safe, secure and happy at school. At St Bernadette’s School all children are encouraged, supported and challenged to become the best that they can be.
St Bernadette’s is a Catholic school and our motto “Learn to Love, love to learn” is at the heart of everything we do. St Bernadette’s is much more than an educational establishment it is a place where the children are offered stability and enrichment to learn effectively and develop into well rounded, responsible and respectful young people.
On a recent Ofsted inspection the school was classed as outstanding for personal development and welfare, this is something we as a school are very proud of, the Ofsted inspection is available on the school website and I would encourage you to read it.
A Cowings
St. Bernadette’s is much more than just an educational establishment; it is a beacon of hope and a place which has to offer:
The stability and enrichment they need to become well rounded individuals who are well prepared for the life ahead of them.
A sense of fulfilment and achievement.
A school which assists them in the religious formation of their children and offers them support and advice to develop their children socially, morally and academically.
Therefore we need to provide:
A broad and exciting curriculum which engages all.
A safe and secure stimulating environment in which children are nurtured and supported.
A set of moral values, which inform the choices they make.
Quality professional development based on assessment of needs.
Opportunities to network with other educational establishments.
Up to date information on curriculum and pastoral matters.
Opportunities to develop parenting skills